The Backside of Life

A little poem I came up with yesterday ….. I’m living the backside of life and looking downRight side up and turned around a book of past lives filled up with sight and sound I smile a relief in knowing that only me in all of history will experience this and be boundA secret tale

The Lasts

Everybody does it and its a great conversation starter. When was the last time ———? My wife and I talk about the lasts all the time. They work best on long car rides, or cold and rainy indoor days, or as just something to kill time and break-up boredom. But in my thinking lately, I

Trip Wires

Memory, at least my memory, seems to be a set off by trip wires. They are tripped by walking into them accidentally setting off wonderful explosions of memory. Explosions can be small, inconsequential, while others are large, and open gaping holes, buried long ago, reopened. The trip wire is set off by an event. The

The Age Of Anger

I was born in the midwest in 1956. That makes me 65 years old, and I now have retirement time to sit, reflect, and write about my life experiences and ponder unanswered questions. There are many things I was taught growing up that are not true. One of the biggest falsehoods is related to happiness


J.J., Even though we don’t see each other enough, I want you to know that I have kept up with you through your Mother. We talk often and she updates me on your progress, your struggles, your hopes and dreams, and her pride in your growth. I am so pleased and proud of you and


To hear the story told out loud is quite remarkable. It’s a story and a fantastical tale – a myth really – recited usually by an idiot. The story is about great feats of power, will, strength, intellect, hard-work, character, individuality, morality, values, beliefs, choices, and fervent religious belief. The story is usually told first


I am 65 now and really starting to feel it. It’s get harder to deny aging each day. My eyes have dimmed and sometimes now when recording music I cannot tell the difference between the tinnitus and the whirring of my computer fan. But like most everybody in the community I live, I pretend and

A letter to my kids…..

There have been more than a few times over the last several years that we have had discussions about mental and physical health. I am writing you this letter because this is a topic I have been very interested in for most of my life. I have had my struggles over the years, and I

The rabbit hole, the bridges, and a 5% solution

It occurred to me quite suddenly, as most things do, in a conversation. It just kind of spilled out like it was always there, regurgitated orally only when it was fully formed in my consciousness, feeling like a waking dream. Lately I have been thinking about my ridiculous, I really think pathetic may be a


Why has the world, more specifically my world in the USA, been constructed to end up like it is now? Wow – now that’s a big question, and I suspect that if you ask 100 different people that question you might end up with 1000’s of different answers. However, it might be quite possible to